Our Projects

Education and Outreach

Education and Outreach promotes stewardship of the Great Marsh by local government, nonprofit organizations, schools, property owners, and other stakeholders. Great Marsh public outreach, volunteer opportunities, and stakeholder input have been a mainstay of the restoration efforts. Additional community engagement will ensure restoration activities are supported and will continue.

Education and Outreach promotes stewardship of the Great Marsh by local government, nonprofit organizations, schools, property owners, and other stakeholders. Great Marsh public outreach, volunteer opportunities, and stakeholder input have been a mainstay of the restoration efforts. Additional community engagement will ensure restoration activities are supported and will continue.

Planting eelgrass on Cambridge Beach in Gloucester, MA

Planting eelgrass in Rowley, MA

Over the last three years, Great Marsh Partnership has successfully introduced 1.5 acres of eelgrass into Essex Bay using community volunteers.

Protection and restoration of the Great Marsh is made possible with support from our local communities.

Sustaining the longevity and viability of our work in The Great Marsh would not be possible without the support of local, state, and national community partners. If you’d like to volunteer or become a sustaining member, you can support us using the link below.